She Is Home To Me Poem by JDC LeDrew

She Is Home To Me

There is a center found in this place
That binds me firmly heart and root.
Found in the simple dress of men
Who strive to bring the harvest in.
The ones you see in soiled jeans
Who work the fields and timbered hills,
Dawn to dark in their machines.

There is center found in this place
Standing on the rocky shore.
Found in the storms and wind and waves
That some say, leaves them feeling small,
But where the sea roars to the cliffs,
I’d swear I don’t exist at all.

There is a center found in this place
And she is home to me.
Found in tamarack gold on snow,
Beneath dark firs that shelter soul.
Found in every river’s bend,
Yes she and I
Are more than friends.

I’ve found my center in this place
She holds me gently in her arms.
I’ve brushed her lips
And claimed her every secret mine.
We drew close,
Whispered words,
And so our souls entwined.

I could have turned my back on her,
She could have never learned my name,
But I came to love her
Fog and rain.
And with sweet grace, Oregon took me in.
She loved me back the same.

JDC LeDrew

JDC LeDrew

Portlando, Oreegun
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