Slavery Is No Joke Poem by Hebert Logerie

Slavery Is No Joke

No joke about slavery
No joke about racism
No joke about nazism
No joke about bigotry.

Slavery is a crime against humanity
Slavery is painful and humiliating
Slavery is about no human dignity
It is about hurting, suffering, and killing.

A slave is a human being, a person
Who breathes like you, dreams like you
Inspires, perspires, thinks and hopes like you
It is a mortal sin to enslave a sibling, a human.

Slavery is wrong, cruel, demeaning, inhuman, and hurtful
Slavery is a very serious and barbaric crime against humanity
Nobody should condone it. Slavery is shameful and deadly
No excuses for it. Slavery destroys the heart and soul.

Slavery is insulting. It is the worst obnoxious nightmare
That you can imagine. Slavery is evil, wrong and unfair
There should be no jokes, no excuses for slavery
There should be no jokes, no nonsense about bigotry.

It is unfathomable that slavery is practiced in Libya
Or elsewhere in modern time. Africa, Africa, Africa
Wake-up to fight against poverty, racism, and discrimination
Europe, America, Asia, wake-up to fight against exploitation.

It is unacceptable to treat human beings worse than animals
Slavery is no joke. Let's declare war against immoral roles
Ignorance, fear, apathy, lack of respect, sleaze, and fleas
Slavery is a terrible cancer, which cannot be used in comedies.

No joke about slavery
No joke about racism
No joke about sexism
No joke about bigotry.

Copyright © November 2017, Hebert Logerie, All Rights Reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.

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