Some Morning Musings Poem by Jim Yerman

Some Morning Musings

As I looked around me on my walk this morning I began to wonder about creation…was it a BIG bang…or was it small…then I began to wonder how any of this…any of us…were created after all.

Were we created by a supreme being…a God…in whose presence we'd be awed…and, if so, when you stop to think about it…who created God?

But today as house after house filled with families I found myself walking by…I started wondering less about who and how we were created…and wondering more about why.

Since love created most of us and the place we all began to bloom was in the warmth…the safety…the security of our mother's womb…I wonder if that's one tacit way our creator makes it known…that none of us is meant to walk through life alone.

Perhaps we're meant to walk as we were created…in love and kindness…among family and friends…from the moment we are created…until the moment our life ends.

And since we share how we enter the world with every other human who upon this planet dwell…perhaps we're meant to discover all the other things we have in common as well.

I wonder if, when the Gods were creating, if they made one special person who…was created just for me..and, if so, one for you?

And what if sex, religion, color didn't matter to all those Gods above…what if the only thing that matters to them what that we find our one true love.

What if life is to be a quest…over mountains, into valleys, across rivers, lakes and shores…to find that special person whom we were created for?

And when you discover that person (trust me…when you find them you will know!) what if our hearts were created in such a way…we will never let them go?

What if, when we find them, in our heart a perpetual light turns on…a light that will keep burning…even after they are gone?

And what if you haven't found that person…what if you haven't yet been blessed…are you meant to keep on looking…to never stop your quest?

As I came to the end of my walk I realized these are questions whose answers, hopefully, one day I will find…until then I am more than happy to leave these musings to greater minds than mine.

Happy every day just to walk through life elated…not knowing who or how or why…but giving thanks for their Earth…for their nature…for their animals…for their love and for the world that they created.

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