Spiritual Diversion Poem by Bob Gotti

Spiritual Diversion

As he did to Israel, he’s doing again, turning hearts of religious men,
Away from God’s Truth and His Law, so that followers spiritually fall,
Falling away from Truth that’s clear, as The Lord, they no longer fear,
As in the past, Satan leads the way, to much apostasy we see today.

Unbiblical ways he will conceive, in many hearts, so that they believe,
The errors in Truth that will confound, as many fall from solid ground;
From The Solid Rock of Jesus Christ, men will pay the ultimate price,
When by Christ, they’ll be denied, for following that evil one who lied.

Satan, that ancient dragon, my friend, has just one goal for your end,
As God’s enemy has just one desire, to see souls in the Lake of Fire,
And Satan will use religious cause, to put our mind on spiritual pause,
To turn our hearts away from Truth, to set souls up for God’s reproof.

Israel had fallen into idolatry, and in some churches what do you see?
Statues fashioned by men’s hands, and in the church today it stands;
What about the “Queen of Heaven”, idolatry begot by spiritual leaven?
If it incited The Lord’s Anger then; aren’t they aware it’ll happen again?

And it is Satan, who orchestrates, all the diversion, for Truth he hates,
As only Truth alone saves men, extra biblical ways God will condemn,
So still today, he corrupts true faith, by having men, add on to Grace,
Knowing they will be denied by Christ, to enter death, not Eternal Life.

(Copyright ©06/2010)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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