Students, Grab A Pen Poem by Hebert Logerie

Students, Grab A Pen

Students, grab a pen to write, a pen
A pen is a powerful gun, a deadly weapon
Students, even if you make serious errors
Write, write your names. Keep on writing
We're all learning. We're all trying
Have no worries. Start writing
Write about what you see
Write about how you feel
Do not plagiarize. Do not steal
Tell the truth, show the proof. Veracity
Is very crucial. Put everything on paper
Have no fear to defy and to dare
Denounce the rogue robbers, the looters
Let the politicians know that you're not
A bunch of fools, a gang of losers
Tell them that you're no fools
And nobody can use you as used tools
You know what is right, and what's wrong
Students, please no violence. The song
Is sufficed. Give no excuse to them to kill you
Let the politicians know that you know
What is going on? You understand the flow
A pen is very powerful. This is no taboo
Students, grab a pencil to draw, a pen
To write the truth. A pen is a great weapon
To avenge the poor destitute and the progressive rich
Fight for justice for everyone in the niche
For the birds on the weak branches, for the peasants
For the city dwellers, and for the homeless students
Protect the public coffers. Tie and arrest the robbers
The corrupt politicians. Grab pens and markers
Expose them, publicize their photos on Facebook
Do not use violence. Put their faces on the books
Share them on Whatsapp, and don't let them off the hooks
Students, grab a pen to change and improve things. Look, look
Around. They are killing the poor and the homeless
They are harassing the sick and the powerless
Students, you are probably next. Grab a pen
To defend the people, to give everyone security
To give them hope, and to open their eyes. Grab a pen
A pencil, a marker, or even a paintbrush. Honestly
A pen is the most powerful weapon in the country.

Copyright © November 2017, Hebert Logerie, All Rights Reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poems.

This is a translation of the poem Etidyan Pran Plim Ou by Hebert Logerie
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: pen,writing
This poem is dedicated to the people who are struggling daily.
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