Sum Total Residue Life Ripples Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

Sum Total Residue Life Ripples

lifetimes spent filling empty spaces
lifetimes spent desiring other places
people could spend a lifetime in this

world studying learning doing or not
belonging or not as you choose most
people cannot most need to conform

but you can and will define yourself
herd mentality conformity denies self
conformity imprisons social responsibility

compliance identification internalization
choose then informational social influence
choose also or normative social influence

information cascade knowledge peer pressure
age social rejection social norms youth culture
status public opinion immediacy group numbers

conformity normally leads individuals
to think and act more like social groups
herd mentality often rejects rationality

status individuals are occasionally
able to reverse lower IQ herd tendency
challenge change people peer groups

minority influence is a special case
of adaptive informational influence
minority influence is most influential

when group accepted admired esteemed people
can charismatic make a clear consistent
case for their point of view prime relevant

but when minority view fluctuates
shows uncertainty signs signals
chance of influence is small falls

however beware a racist minority
that makes a strong scapegoat political
convincing case which increases

probability of changing majority beliefs
changing majority beliefs behaviors
minority members perceived as experts

members with appeal high in status
perceived benefited group in the past
are more likely to implement changes

herein enters threat Hitler's disasters
minority influence can sometimes
override previous conformity effects

lead to unhealthy group dynamics
a single 'bad apple' inconsiderate
undesired negligent group members

can substantially increase conflicts
reduce performance in work groups
create negative emotional climates

hate malice racist mentality interferes
with healthy group social functionings
history advocates avoid these courses

does a coward mentality cop out reason
'It's more likely that I'm wrong than
that all those other people are wrong.

Therefore, I will do as they do.'
What does God free will advocate?
Each snow flake falling is different

each set of fingerprints is unique different
each eye retina scan is unique different
each scanned human heart is unique different

small differences are effect important
each individual voice is effect important
tally accounting of souls is important

remember Hitler Nazi extermination policies
people knew it was morally ethnically wrong
pressure conformity condemned victim souls

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

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