Swashbuckling Piratess De Lorrain Poem by ArmourQuill Hunter

Swashbuckling Piratess De Lorrain

“Countess de Lorraine Pardon me, madam, your sword is at my throat.” “Perhaps you should not have stuck your neck out; as to get my goat! ”
Only knowing her before her pirate days, from an upper-class domain…
“If I ever see you again, in these waters, you’ll not get a chance again! ”

He gazed up at this pirate captain; “how dare the wench defy me like this! ”
He knew he could not beat her on her turf; since almost his life he’d miss!
How in the world this beauty ever became a pirate, few would guess.
Her rich, but cruel, folks locked her away; hiding her from any suitor at best.

Legends of her beauty reached the royal clan; but she escaped to a far away land.
With such vigilance of wildness, like a clever animal she escaped quicksand.
No other lady swashbuckler, in her era, ever grew to such history of renown.
For every coast adjoining the English navy knew of her plunders all around.

Towns-people knew of her once betrothal to the Prince of castle hill lane.
They pressured him to capture her and alleviate the embarrassment, to gain.
Tearing off her hat to loose her red curls, proving she wasn’t just any girl.
Few could courage such valour among women, as this enchanting Pearl.

‘Twas many years before the Prince had finally captured her and her crew…
Countess, I’m tired of being without you; if we don’t wed- 'what will I do…! ”
Hence, the names have been hid; to ultimately protect this royal Dutch clan.
Still, with history repeating itself; who knows, I might wed a seaborne man.

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