Sweet Sticky Bed Dreams Poem by Captain Herbert Poetry

Sweet Sticky Bed Dreams

Rating: 4.8

With a soft flowers of marshy blanket
A gentle breeze touches muddy pillows
Bouncing delicates coils of arms
Wraps tightly on asheet of madness

Circling around head of pillar stand
Spread widely on a thighs of garters
Knitted in every sides of gentle backs
With a beautiful views of healthy two hills with pinkish shadows

Sloping of palms igniting caves of haven
Within heavenly fingers sew wets corners
Oils and peak sweats shafts inside
Curving and curbing shouts and moans of stars

Clasping the hair of joyous rising
Kneeling to get the happy moments
Bowing invertedly to fly high and hi gher galaxy
Like climbing up and down to the cottons of the tickling spots

Like a smooth shaft lubricating the sweetness of sleep
Driving on a canopy hungry lips
On a spring of dancing in muscle control
Digging in many styles in a deep through deeper
in a caressing bedrest from wild sleep.

P.k Freitas 30 November 2013

This is sensually sweet sticky dream indeed... Nice write

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Munashe Rupazo 06 December 2013

This has become my best poem, it is so poetic in literal manner well done!

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Tinashe Mupedzapasi 01 April 2016

ooh my kkkkk i can imagine...sweet n sticky...healthy two hills with pinkish shadows, hahaha, awesome this is awesome

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Helena Zen 06 May 2014

....a gentle breezing poem drifting into nicety of the poem. Brilliant! ! !

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Vilma Gomez 04 May 2014

Full of sensitivities of this poem. So delicate in refine manner. Great poet

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Jessica Hernandezdamian 25 April 2014

Love the poem. Its very sweet and dreamy indeed.

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Shania K. Younce 25 April 2014

I fine this poem to be written in a fine manner. Bien!

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