The Bird Of Paradise Poem by Marieta Maglas

The Bird Of Paradise

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The King of Saxony bird of paradise is a male
Black and yellow with brown iris, aqua-green mouth, gray legs,
With two enamel-blue brow plumes. It seems to be so frail
Guarding its gray-brown female with chicks emerging from eggs

This wonderful bird is named in honor of King Albert.
A German king, devoted to military affairs
Rebuilding Saint Afra School in Meissen like an expert
Proclaiming constitutional his monarchical chair.

He was a great Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece
And a Grand Cross of the Order of the Tower and Sword
Arbitrating between the claimants of Lippe for peace
He was a wise king constantly moving forward.

Birds of paradise or Pteridophora Alberti
In the mountain forests of New Guinea guard and stay
Their diet consists of fruits, arthropods, and sweet berries
And they're hunted by natives for ceremonial play.

The bird of paradise,  Lophorina superba, is small
The male has an iridescent green crown and erectile cape
Preparing its '' dance floor'', it attracts females with a call
Hopping in frantic circles having an elliptical shape.

The competition amongst males for mates is very fierce
Because they do not have as many females as they need
It's like a bizarre courtship when their songs the silence pierce
Curious females approach but they're not prepared to cede.

Magnificent bird of paradise has complex plumage
The polygamous male owns incandescent yellow wings
Blue-green  feathers and the yellow mantle for its image,
Its olive-brown female lays two creamy yellow eggs.

Wilson's bird of paradise male is very red and black
Its head is marked blue with a black double cross pattern on it.
With a green mouth, blue feet, and a yellow mantle on its neck,
It has a brownish female and eats small pieces of fruit.

The red iris is called the Twelve-wired bird of paradise, a male.
It has yellow plumes and twelve blackish wires-like filaments,
While Blue Birds have wire-like feathers emerging from the end-tail
Being sexually dimorphic they live on some islands.

The lesser bird of paradise male has an emerald throat,
Those polygamous birds perform courtship displays in the legs.
Even the females themselves do not need to devote
In their nests, their females usually lay two pinkish eggs.

Carolus Linnaeus named legless paradise bird
Skin being prepared without feet in Europe by natives;
People thought birds were visitors from Heaven but 'Surprise! '
They heard that birds can touch the earth and they were so naive

Poem by Marieta Maglas

Marieta Maglas

Marieta Maglas

Radauti, Judet Suceava, Romania
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