The Cackling Hens Poem by Randy McClave

The Cackling Hens

As I sit alone I hear the hens hackle
They laugh and they joke as they all cackle,
They talk about me and everyones sins
I am now hiding from those gossiping cackling hens.
If I say one wrong word I am then verbally attacked
I feel as though my mind and my soul is being hacked,
And if one funny joke or word I do say
They scream that unto God for forgiveness I must pray.
At me those hens continually peck
Until my soul is a total wreck,
And if I had my own wishes and druthers
I wouldn't want to ever deliberately ruffle their feathers.
They strut back and forth into their henhouse
I feel so sorry for their boyfriends and/ or their spouse,
I hear them cackling to one and each other
As though someone they're going to happily smother.
I then listened to the head cackling hen
And she's attacking and pecking at all sinning men,
She's the boss hen that's always in charge
At others she does always control and barge.
If any of those hen's feathers are ever ruffled
From their cackling your voice is quickly muffled,
Now one certainty I do certainly know
I just can't wait for the cock to crow.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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