The Catcher Poem by Randy McClave

The Catcher

The cheating girlfriend cheated on her boyfriend
And she was cunning enough for him not to know,
And that just started her a deceiving trend
So, she would cheat on her boyfriend wherever she would go.
Sadly her boyfriend never did know or catch her,
To him she always stood in the purest stature.

The cheating wife cheated on her husband, her mate
And never unto him was her actions exposed,
A happy caring loving husband upon which he was the template
But, her being a good moral wife she was opposed.
But, he never caught his wife in the act,
When she and another man were together in the sack.

The cheating woman one day then died
And her soul went immediately to God to be judged,
In tears he saw her grieving husband still at her side
And her boyfriend of years ago still caring and un-budged.
God saw her and the sins and all the cheating she had sought
Then God said unto her, "Now! You I Have Caught".

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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