The Common Sea Of Humanity Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

The Common Sea Of Humanity

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‘the sea so deep it never sleeps
by day or night it lives on... [perpetual] fight
against... [embattled] rocky coast
which is... [weathered worthy opponent] host

rushing ramming against...
[sea sculptured mountainside]...
[wave action causes whirlpool, boiling
swirling whirling, eddy rolling] quick fast dive

down below [flotsam surface]
its [more serene] calmer here
for no [crushing roaring] waves roll [disturbing
equilibrium as violently] way down here...’

Undercurrents are true demarcation lines
interactive beneath apparent surface of all things.

Surge tempest storm blasted vibrant sea,
so immensely powerful so immensely deep;
even in vortex hurricane force gale,
aquatic seascape to denizens lulls to sleep.

Wondrous sea home of seaborne eons
conceals creates multiple timeless mysteries
hidden by day by night through countless eternities.

The echo of something buried is amplified in seashells roaring.
The echo of something buried is drumming in cerebral inheritance.
The echo of something buried is shrouded in serpentine chromosomes.

What forces in life savagely bark for separation?

Humanity is under an interdict to wander
as kernel Edenic sentence of declensions infused.
Endemic to pernicious nature.
Is healing quest for racial refuge.
A better world is shore. Whole shoal must swim for.

Copyright © Terence George Craddock
Poetic fragment surviving lines 1–12 written in1974. Alterations to surviving fragment and the conclusion of this poem, were written on May 19th 1999.

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