The Counselor Poem by Randy McClave

The Counselor

As they sit behind their made up desks
As they try to counsel one and another
While putting the blame on the world itself
Which includes everyone, except for each other.
They look at their diplomas upon the wall
Which brings a smile upon their face
Now they believe they are better than one and all
So now they tell you why, you had your fall from grace.
They look in their books and go in a deep thought
And give you sympathy as they do speak
They are sorry for the feelings inside your soul
But for you, they are here truly for your belief.
They might stand up and then pace the floor
And maybe think as they scratch their head
Telling you the reason for the problems you have
And that all comes from the books that they have read.
They laugh and they joke as they converse to others
Who has the degrees on the wall like themselves
Where they analyze everyone that does come around
While inside your soul, they say they have felt.
So as they dive so deep inside your mind
As they try to understand your ideas and thought
They too have problems many of their own
And that too is the answer that they had sought.
As If you could look inside their very own soul
And for that, a diploma you do not need
You might find something that you weren't expecting to find
Which will be a little bit of you, or a whole lot of me.
As they are people just you and I
And that a diploma on the wall anyone can earn
As they have the problems just like everyone else
But I guess in this life, they believe it is their turn.
So as they sit behind their imaginary desks
Thinking the deeds they did and asking themselves why
As they read their books and stare at their diploma on the wall
Remember with problems, they are no different than you or I.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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