The Cowardly Gatlin S Of The County Poem by louis rams

The Cowardly Gatlin S Of The County


All that the county could talk about

was what TOMMY had done

When he closed the barroom door

and beat them one by one.

When he walked out that bar room

He was a proven man

And there was not one Gatlin

Who could get up and stand.

He went home to Becky

And fell down to his knees

And told her what he had done

And that his dad wouldn't be pleased.

But Becky picked up his head

And kissed his tears away

And said his dad would be proud

Of what he did today

You can't always turn the other cheek

And then walk away.

the Gatlin brothers were the talk of the town

And how Tommy had "beat them down."

Now the Gatlin boys are the Cowards of the county

For what they had done

Every ones backs were turned

There was no where s for them to run.

They are now in prison -justice has been served

They are doing hard time - they got what they deserved.

Tommy and Becky would soon marry

And his child she would carry.

His fathers words rang in his mind

And he would pass it on down the line.


Promise me son not to do the things I've done

Walk away from trouble if you can

It won't mean you're weak

If you turn the other cheek

I hope you're old enough to understand son

You don't have to fight to be a man.

Tommy and Becky decided that

If they have a son - he will also be taught

To turn the other cheek

for that doesn't make him weak.

Walk away from trouble if you can

And if not - then take your stand.

And prove to them that " you are a man".

© Louis Rams (poet Lou)

louis rams

louis rams

new york city
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