The Danger That Religion Presents Too Humanity Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

The Danger That Religion Presents Too Humanity

Rating: 5.0

In shadows deep around the world here and there where thoughts converge,
A poem stirs, with words emerge,
To shed light on the dangers found,
When religion's cloak is tightly bound.

Religion, a force both ancient and grand,
Can unite hearts, make spirits expand,
Yet in its depths, a peril hides,
That can fracture love, and reason divide.

Humanity's quest for solace and hope,
Gave birth to faith, with ways to cope,
But zealotry lurks, its venomous fangs,
Injecting discord, where harmony hangs.

Dogma's grip, relentless and tight,
Blinds eyes to truth, distorts the light,
When beliefs become walls, shutting doors,
Exclusion breeds hatred, igniting wars.

Throughout history's tapestry bold,
Religion's bloodstains, their storys told,
Crusades, jihads, battles untamed,
Innocence lost, lives forever maimed.

Divisions deepen, as doctrines entwine,
Judgments and bias, no room to align,
Oppression thrives, on fervor's flame,
Suppressing freedoms, tarnishing each name.

The dangers lie not in faith alone,
But when control seeks an iron throne,
For those in power, the righteous few,
Manipulating truths, distorting views.

Science's wonders, held at bay,
Reason and progress, they seek to sway,
When dogma prevails, stifling the quest,
Innovation falters, and growth is suppressed.

But let not these words condemn the whole,
For within faith's sphere, great hearts console,
Compassion and love, its bedrock true,
When used as tools, can heal renew.

Let us embrace the wisdom we find,
In the essence of faith, to bind,
Not to divide or claim supremacy,
But to uplift, and set our spirits free.

The dangers that religion presents to all,
Lie in the hands of those who install,
Their narrow visions as eternal truth,
Neglecting the essence, and its golden youth.

So let us tread with care and insight,
Embrace the sacred, with minds alight,
Seek unity within diversity's grace,
Embrace the beauty of every faith.

For in the end, it's not faith alone,
That causes the dangers we've ever known,
But the frailty of hearts that sway,
From love's true path, thus led astray.

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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