The Dark One Deletes Comments Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

The Dark One Deletes Comments

Interesting how Claudia Krizay
pointed out that the critic running
poemhunter site is so disagreeable.

Claudia's comment on 'Weather'
by Ambrose Bierce was devilishly
deleted by a censor mind feeble.

Freedom of speech the beast critic
slays with deletions discriminate
such minds lover's of freedom hate.

I would have been interested
Claudia in your original comment
but PH tyrant will not abate.

When will such censorship terminate?
Claudia Krizay reasoned her penned comment
was terminated because it was critical?

'Probably because it was negative and critical-
in my opinion comments should not be deleted...
I believe that negative comments should be heard

as well as the positive ones-i used no profanity
in my comment- basically all I wanted to specify
was that didn't think it was a very good poem'.

Yes Claudia I hereby agree your comment
should not have been rude deleted spitefully
by a beast lacking sense and sensibility.

My father taught me to weigh pros and cons
of arguments and think before arguing, thus
I shall Not weigh out of This one cowardly.

Help Claudia, the dark one keeps deleting
the end of my comment, posting separately
again. The deletion of Claudia's comment

raises the question, do readers have the right
to comment regardless of whether they like
a poem or not? And whether other readers

agree or disagree? My weather forecast
on this one is most readers want to see both honest
positive and negative comments on quality,

because it makes reading comments
more interesting. Any bets on how friend
this comment weathers the storm?

Yes you guessed it folks it was dark one deleted
but rage rage against disagreeable PH beast
post on other poetry sites of common sense light.

Copyright © Terence George Craddock
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