(the) Fate Of Fatal Lovers Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

(the) Fate Of Fatal Lovers

Rating: 2.6

Fated to be in a togetherness...
No one comprehends but them.

The fate of fatal lovers,
In a relationship
Others tell them not meant to be.

There is too much abuse done publicly.
And in private this feeds a romance...
Enhanced by physical foreplay,
Some say is quite sick.

They both inflict scars and wounds.
This attraction seems to be headed for doom.
But no one can see,
After the slapping and blackened eyes...
The love between them made!

Fated to be in a togetherness...
No one comprehends but them.
It just needs less notoriety.
With a maturity that has yet to begin.

Ridah Ellahi 25 March 2009

fantastic poem! a spectacular message wonderfully expressed!

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Heather Ladd 05 April 2021

Beautifully written

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Sina David Oyadokun 14 June 2018

When our senses for love is overridden. The the inner eyes to see further and beyond today..

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Liza Sudina 24 September 2015

Fated to be in a togetherness... thread of love - is their fate!

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Suburban Lovechild 07 February 2015

Maybe the fate of all love is fatal, but from death gives life...

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David Christopher Lacey 01 April 2013

'The fate of fatal lovers' - a much told story with a myriad of endings! Glad you added another to the list

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