The Flaws Of Humanity Poem by Dallas Carter

The Flaws Of Humanity

Complex and intricate, yet simpletons we may be.
Selflessness is unknowingly a selfish desire to be seen as giving.
We see one with internal agony and fill our minds with foolish hopes to cure them of their ailments.
Attempts to drown out our own pain by distracting ourselves with someone else's.
We seek relief in the warmth of one's embrace, however it is only temporarily.
The past cannot be erased, the wounds cannot be mended, the darkness cannot be replaced.
Scars may fade, but will always remain permanent.
The mortal man believes himself to be the elite,
He believes in power bestowed upon him to overcome,
To triumph and face glory in the depths of despair.
Nothing mortal can obtain the abilities of the immortal.
And even so, that of which faces immortality faces immortal darkness.
We strive for perfection in a world of such pernicious existence.
Yet our humanity will never cease to fail us from such fanciful desires.
Humanity is a curse in which ends only in predestined suffering,
A fate of agony in which one cannot elude.
We aim to be phlegmatic in the midst of tragedy, an image without flaws of sorrow.
But this image of perfection we seek to attain is the very thing that creates our flaws.
We tend to forget our humanity roots from emotionality,
And so we disregard those very emotions that bind us to who we were created to be.
We see sorrow, joy, excitement, fear, and such other feelings as flaws,
Glimpses of what we should or should not be.
We hold ourselves to the expectations of others, and lose our individuality to the mass.
In an essay to mask our darkest afflictions we encompass ourselves with additional strife.
Flaws exist only within flaws, pain harbors additional pain,
Suffering ends only in suffering.

Monday, December 16, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: humanity,realisation
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