The Imagination Of Desperation. Poem by Sandra jacks

The Imagination Of Desperation.

Imagine this:
A girl of eighteen,
flippin' through a magazine,
Sees a picture and says,
'Thats who I wanna be',
Turns around and changes...
doesn't eat for a week,
just to try to shrink,
Soon life gets dim,
she can't even sleep,
looses sight of the person,
she once aspired to be,
girl dies at the age of eighteen.

Imagine this:
A young man searching for a high,
has sex with a girl for the first time,
then again,
then again,
he can get enough,
He confuses lust for love,
and love for lust,
Tries to stop,
but he can't,
hes addicted now,
Young mans had sex so many times
he has lost himself,
his mom tell him to 'stop what you're doing son'
its to late ther'es another girl,
there he goes again,
soon the young man hates himself,
and everything,
young man dies at the age of ninteen.

Imagine this:
A girl of eighteen,
flippin' through a magazine,
dad pulls it from her hand and says she perfect the we she be,
He tells her God made her,
who she was always meant to be,
She knows Jesus died for her sins but now she sees,
she must depend on Him or she wont be free.

Imagine this:
A young man searching for a high,
goes to church cuz he's invited,
and He finds Jesus christ.

~Imagine this:
now they're both alive...
can't you see why?
can't you see why?

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