' The King Is Naked! ! ! ' Poem by Maria Shipka

' The King Is Naked! ! ! '

Rating: 2.8

So much questions, so much things,
perturb my heart, disturb my mind.
Every day I see so many people,
they calling for peace, calling for love.

Just now I try to uncover facts about
the presence, nearer and far history.
Uncovering events happened in my lifetime,
shocked I ask to myself: how is it possible?

What are those societies, governments,
institutions, politicians, people for?
Can we understand, can we believe,
can we accept that all around us.

So much deceptions, so much plots,
blatant examples of distortion reality.
So much greed to own all the world,
so much inhumanity, merciless arrogance.

They are those who want to rule over the world,
they looking for and see only their interests,
no nation, no person, cannot be safe,
nobody is for them important.

Astounded, shocked of what I uncovered,
what secretly hidden for long time to my eyes was,
under the damned lies, statements about 'peace, humanity,
human rights, democracy, human lives protection...'.

In the real the truth is completely different.
I suppose the most of people clearly see and know
about 'what is going on this World? ,
so as exactly see ' who caused this all? '.

There is one question I´d like to know answer
which not allow me peacefully live.
Are we able smartly stopping this all?
' The King is naked! ! ! ' let us tell abroad to all.

(c) shipka

Maria Shipka 02 January 2010

Tranlation: 'Kraľ nahý je! ! ! ' Tak veľ a otázok, tak veľ a veci znepokojuje a ruší našu myseľ . Denno- denne stretáme ľ udí, volajúcich po láske, vzývajúcich mier. Ponoriac sa do studnice poznania, udalostí bližších aj vzdialených, odhaliac len, č o udialo sa v jednom života trvaní, zhrôzení pýtame sa: Ako je to možné? ? ? Č o sú to za ľ udia, politici, inštitúcie, spoloč ností a vlády č o poť ahujú nitky z pozadia? Môžeme pochopiť , môžeme tomu veriť , dá akceptovať sa všetko to, č o deje sa okolo? Tak veľ a podvodov, tak veľ a spiknutí, do neba volajúce prekrúcania faktov. Tá chamtivosť a chuť vlastniť všetko, nik pred nimi nemôže byť bezpeč ný, život ľ udský ten pre nich je bezcenný. Omráč ení z toho, č o odhalilo sa, č o oč iam skryté bolo celý č as, pod lžami, deklaráciami ' o mieri, ľ udských právach, slobode, demokracií, ochrane ľ udských životov...' V skutoč ností pravda, tá je úplne iná. Dnes veľ a ľ udí to jasne vidí a vie: ' č o sa to vlastne na svete deje? , ' tak ako vidia: 'kto zavinil to? '. Na jednú otázku odpoveď hľ adáme, vrtá nám to v hlave nocou a aj dň om. Sme schopní rázne zastaviť to? ? ? 'Kráľ nahý je! ' šírme všade, všetkým navôkol. (c) shipka

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Emma Adamyan 06 December 2009

ur poem has reminded everyone abt the classical literature... abt the great Anderson... yes truth is always to be unrevealed. if diamonds were the ground we walk on, we would appreciate an ordinary gravel. unfortunately humanity hasn`t invented anything new from those old time when it was written abt forbid fruit... and all the blame still carry women for they r the only who make the strongest men do as they say. bravo for ur poem, Maria

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 04 December 2009

There is one question I´d like to know answer which not allow me peacefully live. Are we able smartly stopping this all? ' The King is naked! ! ! ' let us tell abroad to all.......SO MUCH BURING RAGE IN YOUR WRITING DEAR SHIPKA... I WAS MOVED WITH THE SPIRIT YOU WRITE AN ARTICLES.IT WAS NOT ALL THAT HOW YOU WRITE BUT HOW YOU PRESENTTHE TRUTH ANDTHE POET IN YOU... I LOVEDIT MOST....10 READ MINE...BULLET PROOF....KIND RULLER...TERRRTORIAL INTEGRITY, , , NARTYRES...STATEMENT CRISIS..POLITICIAN

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