The Origin Of 'Q' Poem by Quantez L. Spears

The Origin Of 'Q'

Basketball in street and music blasting is where I’m from.

Jumping around, making jokes, annoying people chomping on gum.

I am from laughter, listening, pleasure, and pain.

From hooping in the sun to dancing in the rain.

From that relative that comes and visits the family for a while.

Being that persevering friend that won’t stop until you smile.

I am from junk for dinner, not food.

The laid-back guy with the nonchalant attitude.

I am from being in water, swimming smart as a dolphin.

To holding back tears seeing someone in a coffin.

From the book of secrets which my heart will always hold.

A ticking time bomb of anger waiting to explode.

A book of dark secrets that blend in with the night,

But whats done in the dark eventually comes to the light.

From a guy who sees an attractive girl and forgets what to say.

to curious and lost soul trying to find a new way.

From a guy who wants to see the moon before the sun

to a guy who knew the movie before it begun.

From a child of God, working not for money.

A bee that pollinates the flower, not just takes her honey.

From a strong young man, not afraid to get rejected.

A guy full of surprises, so expect the unexpected.

From a scholar, music lover, athlete, and now poet,

to person who accepts vulnerability, and through poetry will show it.

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