The Petition Poem by Randy McClave

The Petition

A dog owner started a petition
That all fireworks should be banned,
Even in every holiday tradition
Fireworks should not be fired across our great land.
It should be illegal to fire or to own them
She says because fireworks scares her dogs,
Whether they are fired by either a her or a him
Even outside churches and or synagogues.
But, it's alright for her dogs to howl and bark
In the morning and all through the night,
In the sunlight and in the dark
She said they are dogs and that is their right.
I thought how could a dog have more rights than me
They don't pay taxes or defend our country or vote
And they will chase squirrels and cats up a tree
And no laws have dogs ever wrote.
Her petition all Hunters refused to sign
And the veterans refused to sign it as well,
Hunting dogs never hunkered down and whine
And veterans also celebrate freedom and when tyranny fell.
If that petition ever gets made into a law
How are we then suppose to celebrate certain holidays,
But, if our freedom does stand and it does not fall
We'll celebrate our holidays, and burn the Dog petition into a blaze.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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