The Rainbow Gathering Poem by Maria C. Pires Costa

The Rainbow Gathering

Rating: 5.0

We were not there,
But we really hope our impression can be fair...
We simply got a view
From a read on 'The Rainbow Gathering'.
Now we'd like to share
How they joined that community
For some days of cooperative living.

They all came from different states,
Made their way across thousands of miles,
Joining people of all ages and styles,
Just wanting to celebrate The Independence Day -
Focusing on mutual learning,
Cooperating in a friendly way.

Volunteers moved to and fro...
After cooking their tasty food
They served it, and everyone whooped: 'OH! '

It was a huge human circle of thousands,
Devoted people feeling the power of meditation,
Then thanking God for their (multi) national commemoration!

The event was coming to its end...
They cared for the state of the land,
Clearing it of all litter.
The bare earth they decided to re-seed
To guarantee a better life to every KID!

Kesav Easwaran 28 December 2009

'Devoted people feeling the power of meditation, Then thanking God for their (multi) national commemoration'! These lines i focus on...great words Maria! God is one Universal and His mercy His blessings make up the lone religion...beautiful its message and in presentaion...natural rhyming...10

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 24 September 2009

The event was coming to its end... They cared for the state of the land, Clearing it of all litter. The bare earth they decided to re-seed To guarantee a better life to every KID! .....rainbow gathering full of different colous so is the gathering of people insingle states all longing for freedon and peace fo better tomorrow and prospects for their kids....lovley imagination and desire for durable state...i admire it....10 read mine.. what happens if......colour..martyres

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Raveendran . 19 October 2008

The bare earth they decided to re-seed To guarantee a better life to every KID! LOVELY - here the form outwits the content

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Melvina Germain 23 August 2007

A Rainbow gathering, sounds impressive, just thinking of so many people in one place, meditating and praising the Lord. They will certainly be blessed and their lives made richer. Excellent poem once again Maria.--Melvina--

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