The Ralph Illidge Sanctuary Poem by Francis Duggan

The Ralph Illidge Sanctuary

Ralph Illidge is between Cobden and Warrnambool where manna gum and stringybark abound
A place that has been set aside for Nature with peace and beauty present and around
The chirpings and songs of the woodland birds that live there the leafy nests of the ringtail possums on the trees
The distinctive gruntings of the male koalas can be heard carrying in the freshening breeze
Brown butterflies and their cousin whites are flitting in the sunshine of a very warm Summer's day
By the quiet creek that ripples through Ralph Illidge where one fancy from heaven can't be far away
The late Ralph Illidge who donated the Sancturay to Nature is a man in life who achieved something great
Indeed he was no ordinary fellow and he is one we ought to celebrate
The rare rufous bristlebird and the powerful owl does live there as well as the endangered potoroo
As well as fantail yellow robin and crimson rosella and kookaburra and a few species of cockatoo
On a warm Summer's day a pleasant place to visit of off the roadway between Cobden and Warrnambool
In the shade of the gums listening to Nature's birds singing in a nice place to relax in and keep cool
And all thanks to a generous person named Ralph Illidge on donating his property to Nature he did a marvellous thing
And for that we never should forget him and his praises be happy for to sing.

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