The Sea Poem by Charlie F. Kane

The Sea

Foam horses lay across the shore
Before disappearing,
They become like golden flecks of light
In the early morning sunshine.

The sea is timeless.
It will flow long after I die
It will carry on its eternal and endless cycle.

I am not a man of science.
I do not pretend to understand how is all works,
I just watch and observe
As the tide creeps in
And swallows the rocks.

The sea is timeless.
It is eternal and immutable.
It spread so far
It eventually disappears
From my vision.

The sea is timeless.
The sea is unforgiving.
Those caught within the grip of its icy claws
Can only be prayed for.

But beauty lies in its power,
For every life it claims another one is fulfilled.
The sea is timelessly beautiful, it could swallow
You whole or leave you afloat.

The sound is one I repeat in my dreams,
The waves building and rising,
Then they crash
Against the

Such calm within such power.

Oh, to hear that sound.
It is one that could never be forgot.

The sea is timeless.
I am not the first to be amazed
And I will certainly not be the last.
What I would give to take out my mobile phone
And hurl it into the sea so it can claim another one of its victims.
I can release myself of these shackles,
This weight holding me down,
I will toss and hurl it
Into the belly of the timeless sea
And it will drown
The anchors holding me down.

The sea is timeless,
And so is anything
That it stakes a claim to.

©Charlie F. Kane

Charlie F. Kane

Charlie F. Kane

Solihull, Birmingham
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