The Void Poem by Mangesh Sonawane

The Void

I don't feel anything anymore...
There is no happiness, no hope.
No expectation, just a journey.
A never ending journey to an
Unreachable destination.
A patience that stretches on
Forever; a sort of peace.
A kind of silence.

I don't feel anything anymore...
There is no tomorrow, just a 'now'.
No future, no past; just the present.
A moment that would stretch infinity
Yet be dwarfed by its own briefness.
There is no joy, no love, no hate.
A void, a meaningless emptiness,
The absense of any and all emotion.

But at least it doesn't hurt anymore...
At least it doesn't weigh on me,
The sadness, the guilt...
The thought of what might have been.
It doesn't hurt to see anymore, or love.
If happiness brings such pain with it...
Then the void is almost welcome...
Better a husk than a burning heart.

I don't feel anything anymore...
It is easier this way, it seems.
To feel nothing than to feel at all.
If love brings such pain, such sorrow,
Then a better man is he who lived
Than one who loved, and burned
While the world stood by
Uncaring, unmoved.

It doesn't weigh me down any more.
The burden of expectation.
True, love is a treasure;
A cursed possession.
I have loved and lost. And burned.
Time may heal some wounds,
Perhaps fade the scars away as well...
But the pain will linger on.

I don't hope for relief, any more...
From the torment, the agony.
If hope is the price to pay
For an escape from this horror,
It is a price I would pay.
At least I wouldn't hurt any more.
At least I wouldn't have to pretend.
At least the loneliness would pass.

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