The Wealthy And Greedy Poem by Randy McClave

The Wealthy And Greedy

They hate the poor and also the needy
Because they themselves are liars and greedy,
They want the poor and needy to suffer and die
One tear for them they will not cry.

Because, of them our country is in debt
Scream the gullible and the naive who are upset,
They don't pay the taxes like you and me do
(If only though they truly knew) .

If you don't pay into social security you never get a dollar
No matter how the foolish scream and holler,
The poor beg for money off of the street
So, they could find food to eat.

America isn't $30T in debt because of the poor
Or because they rely too much on welfare and want more,
It's not because they are poor or pay too little tax
Or because abuse of welfare acts.

America is in debt because of millionaires
As they pay too little tax, them and also their heirs
And they too believe not to pay, but hide their fair share
They rely too much on corporate welfare.

Before you start blaming the destitute
Before you curse them and then give the wealthy a salute,
Keep the poor and needy always in your prayers
In heaven you will see them, and not any millionaires.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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