The Wisdom And Guidance Of God Poem by Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)

The Wisdom And Guidance Of God

In the very beginning of the creation of man
We started to sin
Only if we took the time to understand
That God is there always even at the times; when we do not want to let him in.
There is one thing in our lives that most of us would agree
That a life without Him that we really blew it.
When we fail to accept God’s one and only decree
That we all come together to follow His Wisdom to make it all fit.
Yes life is hard
As we keep stacking wrong on top of wrong.
We need to realize that with Him, we will always be e dealt the winning card
Life is not a game; He gave us as a gift to be able to live Happy and Strong
We should all come together to see
That we really
need to follow him
And follow His one and only plea.
That we accept His Wisdom and Guidance to keep us away from a life full of grim

Leslie Philibert 02 April 2013

oh dear! why don`t you write a poem?

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Gajanan Mishra 31 March 2013

wisdom and guidance can only provide for a better life. good write. I invite you to read my poems and comment.

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Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)
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