The Years Poem by Dagimawi Tujuba

The Years

Rating: 5.0

Times I got out of the sparkling sunlight,
crawled against those rays flashing about
Times I thought of the shade, thoughts of it to get onto my feet,
to regain my grips over the roads I lost,
to make it through the storm, to see the days ahead,
to run out of shadow for can't see me the hounds
Times I cried out for imminent descend,
grabbed the delusion, choosed the faint boulevard,
felt the mendacity of the silence, the lunacy of the still,
the slipping of false grips out of the vulnerable,
the giddy teardrops, the surprise of the strolls.....The Years
Times I ignored the barks of the dogs, the roars of the lions, the twitters of the birds
Obsessed with the good looking orchard
Loath to look the other way round
Times I made those weaken moans.....The Years.

Kevin Carney 25 October 2010

Times I cried out for imminent descend, grabbed the delusion, choosed the faint boulevard, felt the mendacity of the silence, the lunacy of the still, the slipping of false grips out of the vulnerable, the giddy teardrops, the surprise of the strolls..... Very interesting poem, I love this set of lines. Such great wording that generates thought. Your poem is excellent. Thank You for the invite.

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C N Prem Kumar 25 October 2010

Different way of expressing philosophy through poem. Great

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