Those Into Titles Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Those Into Titles

It's not like you are without options.
Remember that time,
You said to yourself...
'I wish I could just scream? '
Do it!
Scratch that off of your wish list!

'I'm so sick of the same routine! '
Comments like this...
You can now store among your memoirs!
Chances are you are finding 'that'
As a complaint.
Not today.

'You would think I was the only one in the office!
They act as if I'm the only one there half the time.'

Things are rapidly changing.
Have you called 'the office' lately?
You may discover,
No one is there on a full time basis now.

It's not like you are without options.
Remember that time,
You said to yourself...
'I wish I could just scream? '
Do it!
Scratch that off of your wish list!

I remember some years ago...
Being 'downsized'.
From a position that was being outsourced.
And offered a severance.

We were all ecstatic then!
Having never heard these terms before.

'Thank God we aren't being laid off.'
Some were heard to say.

Some folks are given two hours or less,
To clean out their desks.
And vacate the premises!

Can you imagine getting ready for work,
And the phone rings!
You answer pleasantly not wanting to be late!
You do not even say hello when you hear...
'You've been terminated.
No need to come in.
We will mail your personal things...
Plus a 'thank you' from management,
For the many years of your loyal service!
Your pink slip was mailed yesterday.
Keep your eye open!
Have a great day.'

It's been two days now.
And you 'still' have your mouth open!


Some folks historically denied employment,
Were called shiftless and lazy.

I'm sure new terms will be introduced,
To accomodate those preferring to be considered...
As 'freelancing socialists' for a brighter tomorrow!
Those into titles.

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