Three Friends Poem by Jim Yerman

Three Friends

Three families moved close to one another and time together they would spend.
They each had daughters similar in age who soon became good friends.

They grew up in a simpler time, not much technology blocking their way.
They left the house in the morning and played outside all day.

They did the things young girls did, they played, they imagined...they performed
With every moment spent together a lasting bond was formed.

Three friends grew up and went their separate ways, it is the way that life transcends
But through it all, no matter what, they still remained three friends.

Their lives were filled with marriages, divorces, births, deaths, joys and woes
Three friends rejoiced in each others highs and helped absorb the woes.

As time moved on they met less frequently but it didn’t matter where or when,
The minute they got together they were those three kids again.

Now they are all older and when they meet they follow that age old paradigm
The three friends sit and talk, and talk, and talk about old times.

They share memories of when they played, when they imagined, and when they all performed
Remembering a time long ago when their friendship was first formed.

These three friends feel blessed for the three of them all know
That it was Fate who brought their families together so many years ago.

Allowing them to form a harmony that’s paid a lifetime of dividends
For throughout all the changes they’ve endured they still remain three friends.

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