Time And Joy And Sorrow Poem by Jim Yerman

Time And Joy And Sorrow

Time is often hard to comprehend…she can be our enemy or she can be our friend.
She can mark the joy of a new beginning or the sorrow that surrounds an end.

We've all have similar experiences sharing the joy of a special day
or the sorrow of the date and time a loved one passed away.

We are in each moment for a second only...and then that moment's gone
replaced by yet another moment as Time moves ever on.

If that moment is a joyful one we wish for time to journey slow.
We are glad we had that moment but sad to see it go.

If that moment is a sorrowful one it is often Time we want to blame.
We curse her arrival, we plead and wish that moment never came.

But be it joyous or be it sorrowful Time moves straight and she moves swift
which makes me pause to wonder...perhaps that is her gift.

I do not believe it is Time's intention to aggravate or annoy.
She is only seeking balance between our sorrow and our joy.

Finding joy in a joyful moment is easy and sublime
but finding joy after sorrow, well, that takes a little time.

Perhaps that's why our yesterdays so quickly become tomorrows:
to give our joys more opportunities to overtake our sorrows

Perhaps the best that we can do is hold onto one another
as our joys and sorrows ebb and flow
as we ride upon the wings of time…
Wherever she may go.

Sunday, December 22, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: time
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