Time Heals Everything Poem by Kelly Boutin

Time Heals Everything

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
Love is like faith
You have to believe in it
You can't always see it
Don't always know what will happen next
Like life,
But you hold and you believe
Because time heals everything
Because you know you have a good thing
Because you don't want to be given up on
So you don't give up on who you love
Because you don't want to be damned
You learn to give a damn
About how you live, what you give
Who you are and what you need
You care, you share,
You learn to believe
Even when you can't see, are all alone
You still cherish that little hope
You still hold onto what you know
You've come this, so you can go on
It will can better, we will win
Time will heal everything
And for tomorrow we will dream
And in tomorrow we will sing
We'll be the stars we know we are
We'll be the stars we know we want
And will rock this world of ours
And time will never stop
We'll never let go of one another
We'll never let go of the Rock
We'll believe in what is better
And we'll never give up.

Oh baby in time you know we'll sing
In time we'll have everything,
Time heals everything :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: faith,hope,love,time
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