Time Traveler's Adventures #12 Poem by Robert Edgar Burns

Time Traveler's Adventures #12

Today I entered my time machine to see what I could see.
For the other side of the mountain held no appeal for me.
I oiled the springs and hinges and charged the battery too.
I needed an adventure to cheer me, as I was feeling blue.

I held my breath and turned the key to let the pistons fly.
In a flash without even blinking, water was soaking my eyes.
Flooding was already neck high, and rooftops held people scared.
And then I saw a boat floating, how strange to see it there.

Tree tops swayed in a windy breeze, lightning scraped the sky.
My eyes were stinging wherever I looked, it hurt so bad I cried.
Screaming came from homes nearby, every voice raised high.
They screamed for help to no one there, they were about to die.

I had pontoons on my time machine, lucky I had them installed.
Seeing fresh bodies come floating by, had left me sick and appalled.
But not at God for the horror, six score years they had been warned.
Earth was experiencing judgement, coming in a forty day storm.

When shifting gears to leave that place, I was grieving beyond belief.
I imagine my Lord was grieving too, catching the wicked as a thief.
The adventure I was seeking today did not stop my feeling blue.
This is the other side of a loving God, Judging both me and you.

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