To Come And Go And Not Be Afraid Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

To Come And Go And Not Be Afraid

Rating: 5.0

With age your mind turns back to cheese; thank god.
That is permanent, what is known, how some would
have the world think, like the treason they live with
inside of them selves out of self control.
Control, is control, it is about ignorance to breed more.
America is going to fight wars in your country, just as
your country would have these wars else where if they
could, so I'm lucky to live under the mountainous gun.
Bush is gone..slowly the sky of fear recedes..replaced
by the damage that only the retarded or corrupt allowed,
and simply could not see if they had it to do again, yes..
what really the end?
They know about control, they know what will be there
where you sit and read this, ... fifty years from now.
So whether you live in a country where they kill you if
you drink a bush beer or live in one where you are said to have
certain rights that you dont, remember staying ignorant
gives them more control, while being retarded is a blessing,
unless your organs are needed..
Being a fish living in Jewish waters is safe..
It is even safer being the pet pig of a rich Muslim..
What is that stuff American politicians eat then the
next day if they are regular, feed to We the people?
So write your permanent record..if it is interesting..
when you die..they will sell it and you will be famous..
until you die or become interesting..remember even now
the woods have you under observation...
Some times i worry over you all..the tanks and unmanned
drones never if you see one..hide all the roses..
because they wont ask..and when they are done..
you wont be able to tell...

Bri Edwards 25 February 2020

2 - favorite lines so far: " What is that stuff American politicians eat then the next day if they are regular, feed to We the people? " ha ha. many will agree with you. i am not so attentive nor ... pessimistic. " hide all the roses.." i don't understand this. I like Ejaz's comment. James, this poem is from 2009? ? ! bri :)

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Bri Edwards 25 February 2020

1 - " while being retarded is a blessing, unless your organs are needed" ....i know this is a slap at someone, somewhere, not the retarded ones. but, i'm SURE many devout Jews eat fish! yes?

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Ejaz Khan 26 July 2009

Fifty years? You're optimistic my friend, I agree with you in most of your assumptions, though living under... is not a blessing, in my opinion but then we think differently. What a great picture, how very depressing, so tell where one can buy this soothing ignorance? Beautifully expressed!

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James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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