To Him I Pray Remorse Poem by Debi Andrews Golebiewski

To Him I Pray Remorse

A rainy night in the seventies, my anxiousness did bring, As I walked the last walk with my dad then accepted from him his ring. Many restless nights ahead and many hungry days, A child I bore to him abhor my heart—stayed where the child laid. The twelfth month brought misery that made me want to walk right out the door, As the ashtray it lay broken in pieces scattered on the floor. Many restless nights to come and many tear-filled days, I would soon know the worse to come before we would part our ways. Through many years of trouble—the bruises that I'd bear, Were reason for me to believe that this man just didn't care. One night in trans to T-town, a rage it struck him deep, As he 'tempted to destroy me as he shoved me truck-to-street. The pains endured were many—no joy—just much despair, No chance of any pity from officials there. They say he's an outstanding citizen—nothing wrong with the man, my dear, But one day when they least expect, they'll see my deepest fears. My face bore sorrow on it with ev'ry passing day, And I'd shutter when we'd meet any time he'd pass my way. Countless night spent sitting on the livingroom floor, Hoping soon the dawn would come when he'd go out the door. My mischievous mind was working as a thought, it crossed my mind, That someday in this empty life, he too, one day would find. There's life upon this Earth where here we both do live, Much better by no means, you see, than what this man can give. Sixteen years of torment were more than I could stand, So I left the clutches of his chains for the arms of another man. Came time to judge my leaving and I was granted a divorce, I look back upon my leaving and I cannot feel remorse.

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