To The American People Poem by Eric Cockrell

To The American People

Rating: 5.0

common sense solutions:

tax the wealthy.
tax corporations and financial institutions.
put a tariff on imports.
go back to building things here.
get behind the American farmers.
grow as much of your own food as you can.
raise the minimum wage.
change from oil addiction to alternative fuels.
stop the damn wars.
feed every child!
give every child equal education opportunities.
stop prescribing narcotic pills like m & m's.
take money out of the courtrooms.
let anyone live here that works and contributes.
teach your children respect.
teach them to read.
teach them to work.
make health insurance a part of your taxes,
on a percentage basis where it's fair to all.
give everyone equal health care.
take care of the aged and the disabled.
but people that can work need to work!
fight for the environment for our children's sakes.
quit fighting over religion, politics, and sexual orientation.
restore human dignity by equal rights, equal justice.
stop judging, and start affirming.
pay politicians minimum wage!
clean up the street gangs and the prisons...
put prisoners to work, and educate them!
stop building bombs and armies,
and rebuild this country...
the roads, the cities, the factories...
put people back to work!
stop spraying crops with harmful chemicals
and feeding animals antibiotics
that are dangerous...
and pay teachers like they have the most
impotant job in the world...
they do!
teaching your children!

originally posted on my facebook page... common sense, think about it!
Dave Walker 13 July 2012

A fantastic poem, I could not agree more with you a great write.

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Juan Olivarez 13 July 2012

One great thought after another. Following your advice we would build our own utopia in no time at all. no nonsense piece that tells it like it is.

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Shadow Girl 12 July 2012

BRILLIANT, not being American but from an outsiders point of view, I see the fall of the 'Economic Giant' and so much injustice I am going to send u a link u may be interested in watching, was aired on Australian TV recently, brought tears of shock and disgust to my eyes. -SG

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I'll officially cast my vote for you, come November...Sounds as if we are spot-on with the do's, dont's and absolutely MUSTS! And the exclamation mark on this finely crafted work...Last without that none of the above gets done(the right way) ! ~FjR~

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