Traffic, Love, And Eternity Poem by Peter Vector

Traffic, Love, And Eternity

Rating: 2.2

I dream of me and you,
Lost in the world,
Just waiting to find each other,
And embrace in a true love.

Seeking and searching, waiting for you.
Standing in place, letting the world pass me by.
Looking into the dark night, into the city streets.
My gaze flashes from neon to neon, lighting up the world.

I look at the people, heads down, hearts broken.
Could one of you be my true love,
Happiness in despair, Joy in agony?

Then I glance across the cars that swiftly pass by.
Your sitting, staring into me, piercing my heart,
Like a hook in a fish, freely swimming away to death.

Our eyes locked, only phased by the traffic in between.
You reach out your hand, telling me to come closer.
I take my first step, not looking behind, or up ahead.
I'm only focused on you my joy and delight.

Walking to you I hear the muted sounds,
Suddenly scream, a blaring horn, the crackle of bones beneath me.
The siren song is the only music in my head.
I'll never forget the pain in your face,
And when they said I was lost, you cried and cried.

Looking down at the city lights,
Into the crowds of loneliness;
I see a girl I knew before,
But different than the last time I saw her,

Eyes red from tears, cuts on her hand and wrists.
I walked up beside her, no sound I made.
She stopped at a familiar intersection of which I knew all too well.

Suddenly her fears numbed, I held her hand,
And slowly we walked into the highway of her death.
The car was moving fast enough, she caught the blow,
And was through into the air.
She landed with a deathly crunch on the ground.

I looked beside me, and she was there smiling and crying too.
I took her hand and we passed through the cars,
And as they passed us by, I knew,
I was with her again...

Allan O 10 November 2009

wow...this is heart wrenching...very very well written...and you talk of me? are very talented peter...thanks again ~^..^

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