Two Ways Poem by Vanessa Kingsley

Two Ways

*Just a quote*
Slowly pick the flower petals
Watch them flutter to the ground
Only to be picked up by the wind…

Broken and cold against the starlit night
Flames from a fire barely bringing warmth
Such a silly girl
Such a foolish heart

Tired and exhausted
The game of love is an ever-changing one
Love me…love me…love me
Forget me…forget me…forget me

Naïve little heart that jumped into a sea
Again it forgot it could not swim and now look at me
Set once more to rescue the babe as it struggles to survive
Long ago I detached myself so I could live my life

Yet here it is
Sound in my chest
Causing emotion that I know I am over
Yet here it is jumping again

Frustrated mind that screams in agony
The logic of that heart is not right at all
It breaks the body down and slowly I must repair it
It will try to swim and stay afloat, knowing that it can’t

Two ways to go
One choice to make
Should I try and stay afloat and swim?
Or keep safe at the shoreline and walk away

Listen to logic and reason
Or follow your instincts that have proven fatal time and time again

Vanessa Kingsley

Vanessa Kingsley

Colorado Springs, Colorado
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