Unseen Visitor Poem by Udaya R. Tennakoon

Unseen Visitor

You imprisoned in
Mother’s womb
When I was arrested and imprisoned
In social prison womb

Without seeking the sun and moon
Days and weeks
Months and years passed
And in the meantime you released from uterus
Keeping eternal pain
in my heart no one seen

Without a name and a born father
Grew up in a transitional time
And I put a name after three months

Relatives knew
But it concealed to neighbors
“Her father has been in abroad”

After almost six months
My daughter with mother
In front of the prison
Where crowding packed room in prison
Between the wall and through a small window fixed a
Small holes net
They have come to see me
Touching the iron bar
She was looking at me
Tears collapsed
Out of eyes of mother
But my eyes dried up
As the heart weeping

“This is your father”
Asked with sighs

She smiled
Looking at me
Touching the iron bar

Udaya R. Tennakoon

Adeline Foster 21 May 2012

Reminds me of The Song of Wandering Aengus by Yates. Truly a sad story. Read mine - MEMORY IS A CHEATING THING - Adeline

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Vipins Puthooran 05 October 2011

Wow, excellent poem, , , i Like the end part....really wonderful...

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