'We Are Heading Into A New Year' Poem by Linda Winchell

'We Are Heading Into A New Year'

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We are heading into a New Year!
Will it be all or just the same?
As what we are now exiting from?
This years end trails of human waste
with all of unfinised parts remains.

So what might you do differently?
Than it was you've done the year before?
I think most will start out with good intentions
and end up with just the same or more.

Human nature tends to commit itself
to its fantasies of sorts.
All with good intentions, mind you
but in the end our hearts and minds remorse.

What is it you think that will change things?
As if we didn't already know.
It all starts and ends with YOU and ME!
As it has done, those many New Years before!

Changing maybe just ones attitude?
Or possibly, the way in which one reacts?
Not standing up to argue or wage war
of those thinking, they're being attacked!

To make this New Year what it needs to be
it all must start and end, with YOU and ME!
Making peace in the world, with all mankind!
In this coming New Year, of 2009!

Linda Winchell

Linda Winchell

Chicago Illinois
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