What Would It Be Without Love? Poem by Ragy Sandid

What Would It Be Without Love?

Rating: 5.0

What would it be like without love?
I need an answer that's unheard of

Other than the Hollywood love we know
The couples that onto the sunset go

Or the love that we'd been honestly told
That once had one will never grow old

Or the love that is somehow naturally bestowed
In which parents, in the face of odds, are oddly bold

Or the love that clings on to a child
Because he was born blind and beguiled

Or the love of those who are in power
Because they grew a garden and it's flower hour

Or the love hidden and never confessed
Even though separate souls left it stressed

Or the love of one to another by minimum means
To be separated because modesty commands the scene

What would it be like without love
If the heart doesn't dissolve in the sea
And the touch its salted sting brings back a memory
Or the moon stale in the sky
Makes sweet truth of an unwanted lie
Or the brush of the breeze
Transfers a fleeting look with ease
Or the steps on a street
Still carries the prints two people's fetish feet
Or the sight of a newborn
Reminds one how their sinews were reborn
Or the look of ones who are almost faded
Carrying the days when their love was paraded
Or the silent time when we remind everyone of
What we thought was and everyone reshaped it into love.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Bernard F. Asuncion 11 October 2017

Such a heartwarming poem, Ragy.....10++++++

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Akhtar Jawad 10 October 2017

It's love that is instrumental in creation and it will be love that wiil be instrumental in reconstruction of this world growing more and more ugly every day. A nicely penned poem.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 10 October 2017

Love that clings on to a child with power of light of affection amazes mind in reality. Various perspectives of love are neatly presented here.10

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