When He Tarries No More Poem by Bob Gotti

When He Tarries No More

Why does the Lord tarry so long, when all about us seems so wrong?
As many oppose Truth and Light, deceived by the prince of the night,
Bathing souls in spiritual darkness, suggesting all is wonderfully bliss,
And prior Christ’s return, it’s a sure bet, it will get spiritually darker yet.

Will Christ’s return be a surprise, even to men who are spiritually wise?
For no one knows the day or time, that is appointed by God’s design,
As He’ll come as a thief in the night, to remove from earth all the light,
That is the Light of God’s Church, leaving a spiritual void on the earth.

God is not slow returning for them, who now on earth, are Born Again,
He’s just waiting for more to come, to a knowledge of Jesus His Son,
In Christ, who came for you and me, to give all men new life Eternally,
To save us from all sin and death, and give mortal man eternal breath.

His coming is not long, my friend, for soon this present time will end,
And then eternity will commence, when all receive God’s recompense,
A brighter time for all found in Him, a darker time for those lost in sin,
Through all eternity with no end at all, for every past and present soul.

That time my friend, it will be long, with believers filled with new song,
With all darkness dispelled forever, with the end of Glory to be never,
And with Jesus as the Eternal Light, never again will we see any night,
As we reign with Christ, our Lord, in our God’s presence forevermore.

(Copyright ©12/2008)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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