Who Formed The Waters Seeded First Earth Life? Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

Who Formed The Waters Seeded First Earth Life?

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Science claims life on planet earth
has teemed thrived multiplied
diversified for millions of years

then when did earth life begin?

This is one of the greatest mysteries
still waiting to be scientifically unraveled
and the theory is our first life forms

were miraculous one-celled creatures
that appeared on earth about 3 billion years
ago through evolution or Transpermia?

It's life Jim but not as we know it know it?

Who wove first intricate webs of cosmic life?
Who formed the waters seeded first earth life?
Who put together first miraculous one-celled creatures?

For two billion years only single celled organisms exist?
Then suddenly zap single celled organisms began to evolve?
To evolve into multicellular organisms seeding the atmosphere?

Who what caused this unexplained unprecedented
profusion of life in incredibly complex wondrous forms?
Multicellular organisms fill the oceans spanning surface?

Why for eons two billion years only single celled organisms
then suddenly zap multicellular organisms teem in earth seas?
Multicellular organisms adventurers desire crawl from seas?
Why leave primordial primeval seas take up residence on land?

To escape predators
in the ocean when rule
life consumes itself?

Multiplicity cascading chain of new increasingly differentiated
life forms cast appear flourish all over happy bubble blue planet?
Times of merriment paradise periods life prospers proliferates?

Wham bam life is virtually annihilated by an unexplained mass
extinction event first of several mass extinctions in Earth history?
What space time opera clears stage restarts weaves new life forms?

Scientists postulate increasingly look up to space
to explain seemingly clockwork mass extinctions
repeating happening since beginning of living time?

Is earth getting periodically belted by rogue space rocks asteroids?
Comets or is collision of passing neutron stars happening in space?
Too close for comfort to ensure survival of most capsule earth life?

Life tenacious clings to life resolute upon rocks of hope
mass extinctions occur but life seed springs back from brink
life endures clings to home small blue life boat planet earth?

So let us play blue's clues review the last three billion years.
Scientists keep finding new cues as to how life first begins
on earth amazing interesting places volcanic vents deep oceans?

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