Who They Are Poem by Randy McClave

Who They Are

I know him, because he's always smoking pot
I know her, by her employer she had stole and she was caught,
And I know them because their children are spoiled
Because, their disciplining was always soft boiled.
I know her, because of the lies that she enjoys to toss
And I know him, because his wife is always his boss,
Whatever his wife commands or tells him to do
He always does it with a quivering, "I love you".
I know them, because they are liars and thieves
I know him, because of the hidden track marks hidden up his sleeves,
And I know her, because she's a user and a con
And I know them, because of the lying act that they always put on.
I know them, because they bragged about cheating on their spouses
And I know them, because I have been to their houses,
And when you get to know their type of breed
You will find out that they use and cheat and they stand for greed.
I know him, as good as I have known any other
And I know them, and how they hate and use one and another,
I know her because she turned out just like them
Full of grudges and smudges and gossip and bedlam.
I know her, because she talks behind everyone's back
I know him, because he's always on crack,
And sadly I know them and their whole polluted family
As they wrongly believe that are a better person than you or me.
I know them, as they put on an act as people who are caring
I know them, from lies and gossip that they keep on sharing,
And I know them, because of the lies they constantly tell
And I know because of their actions, they'll all end up in hell.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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