Why Bother? Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

Why Bother?

Rating: 5.0

Most people born
into stale earth existence
never do anything
with their transitional lives.

They just take up space
occupy an empty chair
move daily from point A to B?

Never contemplating
meditating mitigating,
the reason why
humankind survives,
humanity evolves,
within earth sphere.

For all the essential qualities
they self occupied achieve...
they may as well dormant be
an empty vacant sterile chair.

They are not inactive born
to attain high peaks
encapsulate enlightenment
because they choose not to.

They wade through waves
encompassing indifference,
or generate storm tossed anger
to drown themselves,
or others bitterly within, when
they even indifferently bother.

Radiant meaning, purpose, learning,
orientating chosen human existence.
Is not an ultimate goal, attaining, perpetuating,
mere physical; supposed security survival.

Choose contribute, to an evolutionary shift,
through fine deeds, singular communal;
brainstorming, healing, supportive, attitudes actions;
supportive love sent; revitalizing energy.

Open imagination expand limits,
awareness, germinating self-knowledge.
Mitigate fear, hopelessness, despair,
permeating despondent; hedonistic humanity.

Universal enlightenment
offers transcendental energy;
to everyone interrogating life
seeking essentially spiritual nature.

Mystical connections
within universal energy;
expands our awareness;

orientating souls irrevocably towards;
our ultimate human destiny;
our original divinity created purpose.

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Ro'ya Abdulaal 17 March 2010

i love your style, perfect

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