Why Did This Have To Happen To Me Lord? Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

Why Did This Have To Happen To Me Lord?

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If you were walking upon the warm sands
of a beautiful spring beach as the sun held
steady midday course in clear blue sky as
kind wind swept as a soft free breeze across...
reflective beauty of beautiful sand dunes
laced with clumps tufts of wild tussock grass
herbfield habitats stop sand blow harbour
insects foods for insects birds small animals...

long grass roots aid dune slope stabilization
erosion control soil porosity sweet water life
hydraulic conductivity of pore spaces ratio
of permeability of material pores compaction...
degree of saturation water movement through
saturated media infiltration process by which
water on the ground surface enters soil through
pores by forces of gravity and capillary action...

behold superlative intricate complexity laws
fixed in descending levels detail even in pore
spaces macropore mesopore; micropore where
pores water filled at permanent wilting point...
are too small for a plant to use without great
difficulty; water associated usually adsorbed
onto the surfaces of clay molecules; water held
in micropores important to activity of microbes...

creating moist anaerobic conditions; water can
also cause process either oxidation or reduction
of molecules in crystalline structure soil minerals.

Behold Lord God who counts every hair on head
sees every sparrow that falls, counts every tear you
cry, walks also these beach sands in your agony as
you ask; why did this have to happen to me Lord?

Desolation overcomes you duchess in flowing cry
torn soul agony pain of matrimonial separation as
you lament suffering of these your young children
in conflict emotion tugged between divided parents.

And Lord God spoke to your mind boiling turmoil
drowning in tear flood choking soul; Lord God in
sympathy nurturing said unto you; speaking in clear
crystal waters flowing near throne heaven spoke!

This is the question Lord God of wonder beyond
human comprehension; creator of complexities in
scales vast; all defined in dimensions laws, range
in dynamics we strive to embrace said unto thee.

'In this your earth life, which would be the four
most agony endowed destructive disasters, which
could ever possibly befall you, to rock faith at
foundation core within very fibre of your being? '

Many would answer the loss of savings in bank
invested in markets, or damage to loss of home;
or loss of health vitality, age as approach to final
accounting as all life experiences reflections reap.

But you answered with true insight wisdom, as
Lord God revealed this answer in you. Thus you
addressed your creator stating declaring 'the worst
agony; I Lord can conceive it would be, the loss of

my eldest or second child in death taken before me.
This is the absolute worst agony I can conceive, to
suffer loss of the flesh of my flesh bone of my bone.

This is an abyss nightmare beyond my ability to live
through endure, a chasm so deep wide extent is an
immeasurable dark agony. Third would be my death,
to be torn from my children’s side life while they are

so young, in such need during this wound separation.
The fourth would be present death of their father; who
despite all recent betrayal all which has happened these
our children still need so; in their lives my Lord God.'

God spoke a second time. 'The four most important
values in your life I did not take from you. That which is
taken will not be restored unto you. I am with you, I walk
with you now my child, now and throughout all eternity.

Your test is not beyond your ability to endure. Never will
you be tested beyond your ability to endure. Your life is
still blessed with many blessings and I love you eternally.

Behold the beauty of this seascape you love so much; my
creation near majestic sea; in beauty harmony dwell here
my child; grow in strength righteous until you come to me.'

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

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