Written In The Scars Of My Heart: Version 2 Poem by Paula Glynn

Written In The Scars Of My Heart: Version 2

The music plays in a forgotten party,
My feathered wings won't fly,
I am lost without you,
And my heart has been broken many times before,
Heartache written in the scars of my heart.

My heart has been bruised,
I often feel alone and used,
I don't know which direction to turn,
Like the wise witch from the Wizard of Oz,
And when I need a new you,
I can either choose to be angelic,
Or decide to be a fighter with guts,
For my heart matters,
Love written in the scars of my heart.

Years have gone by since meeting you,
I had thought we'd be together forever,
But I was naive and too giving with my heart,
And now I grieve for all the people I've lost,
For what seems forever,
Is only really temporary,
Pain written in the scars of my heart.

I sometimes act out of character,
And burst others bubble,
But I am not alone,
This heart has loved and lost,
Facing heartbreak as a cost,
And I try not to talk in riddles,
I work hard to stay here,
In a peaceful place,
Strength written in the scars of my heart.

Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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