Written In The Scars Of My Heart Poem by Paula Glynn

Written In The Scars Of My Heart

Written in the scars of this heart,
My heart has been battered and bruised,
I have been taken advantage of,
I have been alone and confused,
But I am not a victim anymore,
I have explored my options,
And have seen the truth,
For written in the scars of this heart,
Is a heart beating with love.

I never give up or look down,
I like to be positive and be myself,
I don't wallow in misery,
And I am happy as I look for love,
Sometimes in the most unusual places,
But the boots have come and trampled on me,
And yet I am still alive,
As I work nine to five,
As hard as that is, but I like hard work,
I like knowing and earning my worth.

I am liquid gold, although I am no superwoman,
But I am a tough character and see the world,
For I am a winner, and I am never boring,
For I have learnt my lessons in love,
Even though I have been battered and bruised,
In the process, but angels watch over me,
As I get up and dust myself off,
The battle scars barely visible.

It can be a hard life, but a beautiful life,
And I try and try again, never getting bored,
For I may be a material girl at heart,
But it is a heart beating with love,
And this love is for you,
A star through and through.

Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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