Xmas Comes Poem by Kumarmani Mahakul

Xmas Comes

Rating: 4.8

Xmas comes once in every year,
It brings happiness and gladness tear.
December twenty-fifth is a holy-day,
Also it is for the student a holiday.

This day is celebrated as Noel,
Who redeems us from the hell?
He is the Redeemer, noble Christ,
He is known as Jesus Christ, says priest.

In this holy-day Christian sister and brother,
Worship Jesus Christ and Mary Mother.
They decorate the church with fragrant flowers,
Colourful light does bedazzle the light-showers.

Fanatical Children make exquisite garlands,
Which beautify the splendour of Holy Land?
They also decorate with holly the holy of the holies,
Candles light hall and make the gloom release.

With homage Christians read Holy Writ,
And pray and nod under God's feet.
Not only the Christians but also other,
Pray to God and nod without bother.

They play on drum, trumpet with joy,
All together dance, sing without coy.
Different food stalls are set near holy land,
They get contentment by eating hand in hand.

Some fancy shops are opened near festive ground,
People purchase faience and some toys in bound.
Xmas indeed brings compunction and compassion,
It makes consciousness in brotherhood and impulsion.

Friday, December 19, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: christmas
Here poet describes about the Xmas. He says, Xmas comes once in every year on twenty fifth of December and it brings happiness. It is a holy day and also a holiday for the students. This day is celebrated as the birth day of Jesus Christ. In this holy day Christian sisters and brothers celebrate it and worship Jesus Christ and to mother Merry. They decorate the church in beautiful flowers and with holly. Colourful lights are set. Children make exquisite garlands. They light candles. With homage Christians read Holy Writ, pray God. They play on drum, trumpet, and mouthorgan etc. and dance with joy. They eat together and get contentment. In Christmas occasion some fancy shops are opened. People purchase Chinese plates which are very beautiful and attractive. They bound to purchase different types of toys for their babies. Xmas brings compunction and compassion. It makes us consciousness. It impels us to have brotherhood. This is the theme of the poem in brief. This is written in Deogarh, Odisha, India on this day of 16th December,2014 and is dedicated to the people of the world.
Noel- Christmas, Redeem- deliver from sin, Redeemer- one who redeems (Christ) , Fanatical-person with excessive devotion to a belief, Holy Land-the part of Palestine west of the Jordan River, revered by Christians as the place where Christ had lived, Exquisite-extremely beautiful, Holly-evergreen shrub with prickly leaves and red berries used to decorate houses and churches at Christmas, Holy Writ-holy writing esp. the Bible, Coy-pretending to be shy, Hand in hand-together, contentment-satisfied state, Faience-decorated and glazed earthenware and porcelain, compunction-regret, Compassion- pity for the suffering for other/sympathy, Impulsion- impelling
Neela Nath Das 20 December 2014

Reading your poem is to get in a world of innocence.Loved reading this awesome write!

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Valsa George 20 December 2014

A beautiful poem celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and enumerating the celebrations associated with this festive season! Christmas is the festival of joy and peace and everyone looks forward to it with enthusiasm, irrespective of caste or religion!

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Aftab Alam Khursheed 20 December 2014

I love your write nice poem with diction and children are involved and their happiness is painted nicely thank you sir

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Daniel Brick 22 December 2014

Deogarh, Odisha = St. Paul, Minnesota. The second city is my hometown, and honestly there is not that much difference between the Christmas celebration here and there. I mean that quite sincerely. I enjoyed your evocation of the holiday/holy day in both poetry and prose. The irony is, born into a fervently Christian family raised to to see only ONE RELIGION as the absolute truth and ALL others as wrong, or false, or evil, I, the first born son of my extended family, eventually tired of Christianity in general and Roman Catholicism in particular, and began exploring other religious traditions to the consternation of my relatives but once my pilgrimage began, I had to keep journeying. I would today describe myself by the awkward phrase - a multi-faith believer. HINDUISM in its many manifestations is one of my pursuits, but I am humbled by its complexity and antiquity and consider myself just a novice in the ante-chamber of the Temple of Truth, or as the Gita teaches, the Four Paths to God, of which jnana yoga is most compatible with my bookish nature. If I had to name the sacred book most important to me, in all humility it would be the Upanishads, with the sacred truth ATMAN IS BRAHMAN AND BRAHMAN IS ATMAN. And so ends my confession all the way from cold Minnesota to hot India. Be well and happy, always!

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Heather Wilkins 01 January 2015

Christmas my favorite time of year people buy an celebrate nicely penned

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Heather W.B. 05 June 2020

Xmas is special to many as we celebrate it with great pleasure and we feel the festival as it enlightens us. Children enjoy much and people offer prayer in Church. This poem is splendid.

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Mj Lemon 01 December 2017

A wonderful reminder of the meaning of this time of year. Christ, mas does come but once a year, but the sentiments you convey are universal and last all year 'round. A spectacular work, Kumarmani.

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Rajnish Manga 26 December 2016

Exquisite piece of poetry recalling the divine message and re-igniting the spirit of Christmas and also portraying the festive mood of the occasion. Thanks, Kumarmani ji.

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Michael Walker 03 December 2016

A timely, topical poem, as Christmas approaches. This is an affirming look at what Christmas is and why people celebrate it. Now I can't wait for Christmas.

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John Crowe 17 December 2015

Now, Im in the Christmas spirit. Thanks Kumar

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Kumarmani Mahakul

Kumarmani Mahakul

Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
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